– The last gift

You know how some people have to have the last word? Well, Cubans have to have the last gift! I was very hungry and we stopped and there was an old woman on the side of the road selling things. I didn’t realize that I didn’t have enough change until I had selected cucurucha, chocolate, and a banana. The old woman said it was okay, it was a present. I felt bad so I went on the bus and got a little hotel bottle of shampoo and of lotion and gave it to her as ‘un regalo’. She was so touched, she insisted I take two more bananas. Seriously, you can’t just make a present to these people, they are very proud. I met Felix, an epidemiologist who gave me a cure for cancer. I loved talking to him for hours while waiting for a bIMG_2993us. He has 3 daughters and great energy. He was going away for continuing education. His youngest daughter is 5 and he will call her every day. I gave him presents for her. He wouldn’t take them but I said “Seriously? You gave me a cure for cancer! I cant use it unless you accept them.” He relented and we promised to keep in touch.

IMG_3013Cucurucha – honey, nuts, and coconut goodness wrapped in a palm leaf… Que rica!



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